PromoTienda is a company specialized in the point of sale and installation of Video advertising monitors (advertising screens), and dynamic advertising.
PromoTienda was born in 1992 with the development of a new project that consisted of installing in different food chains, television monitors in strategic places in the supermarket viewing the offers of the day. From VHS players, DVD-based equipment, to the current TFT screens with CF memory cards, 20 years have elapsed. Today we can offer professional equipment connected to the Internet with ADSL or 3G technology, touch screens, screens with barcode reader, etc.
Our experience in the sector installing screens at the point of sale and video advertising monitors (advertising screens) in shopping centers, large areas and points of sale, has led us to position ourselves as a reference provider In Spain and Portugal.
PromoTienda offers its customers a wide range of professional monitors with high quality image, Video and sound players and ready to operate 24 hours 365 days without interruption.
Our objective is to provide innovation to your company, improving the presentation of your products in a dynamic, visual and very attractive way through videos, photos, texts and audio.
Our goal is to provide innovation to your company, improving the presentation of your products in a dynamic, visual and very attractive way through videos photos, texts and audio. That’s why we specialize in screens at the point of sale and installation of video monitors advertising.
Our specialty is the design and manufacture of screens at the point of sale, LCD advertising monitors (3.5 “, 5.6”, 7 “, 8”, 10.2 “, 10.4”, 12.1 “, 15”, 17 “, 19”, 22 “, 26” and 32 “), and all its accessories and peripherals.
Our philosophy is a commitment to the R & D and the quality of the products we offer, as well as the absolute personalization of all the projects of screens at the point of sale and the installation of video advertising monitors that we carry out for our clients.